Outdoor sculptures and murals can be found all across Palm Springs, as well as outside of the city.
Statue of actress Lucille Ball. (photo by Ali Zandi / Meniscus Magazine)“Isabelle” by Julian Voss-Andreae. (photo by Ali Zandi / Meniscus Magazine)“Isabelle” by Julian Voss-Andreae. (photo by Ali Zandi / Meniscus Magazine)“Isabelle” by Julian Voss-Andreae. (photo by Ali Zandi / Meniscus Magazine)“Unity” mural featuring inaugural poet Amanda Gorman. (photo by Ali Zandi / Meniscus Magazine)“PS I ❤️ U” created by the Palm Springs Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Palm Springs Public Arts Commission.Dinny the Dinosaur, one of the two Cabazon Dinosaurs. (photo by Ali Zandi / Meniscus Magazine)Mr. Rex, one of the two Cabazon Dinosaurs. (photo by Ali Zandi / Meniscus Magazine)A graffiti-covered structure in Slab City. (photo by Ali Zandi / Meniscus Magazine)(all photos by Ali Zandi / Meniscus Magazine)